Shock Probation and Early Termination of Probation

Shock Probation (Laredo, Texas):
Texas law allows that a person that has been sentenced to a term of prison in Texas be placed on probation within the first six months of the person’s prison term. To qualify for “shock probation” the person cannot have a previous felony conviction and the present case cannot involve a sexual assault or certain types of violent crimes. If you think that you or a family member may qualify for “shock probation,” in Laredo, Texas, Criminal Defense Lawyer Roberto Balli would be happy to help.
Early Termination of Probation (Laredo, Texas):
In the State of Texas, when a defendant has completed 1/3 of a probation sentence or 2 years, whichever is less, the Judge may terminate the person’s probation and dismiss the charges against the Defendant. Of course, a Judge will only be willing to grant early termination of probation if the probationer is complying with the terms of probation. If you think that you may qualify for Early Termination of Probation, in Laredo, Texas, Criminal Defense Lawyer Roberto Balli would be happy to take your case and clean your criminal record.