(Driving While Intoxicated, DWI, DUI)

What is the difference between a D.W.I. and a D.U.I.?
There really is no difference. In Texas we use the term D.W.I. for a person charged with operating a motor vehicle (car, boat, motorcycle, golf cart) while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any controlled substance like a prescription drug. The acronym DWI stands for “Driving While Intoxicated.” The same exact same conduct is called a D.U.I. in other states. The acronym D.U.I. stands for “Driving Under the Influence.”
Consequences of a DWI in Laredo, Texas:
A D.W.I./D.U.I. in Laredo, just as elsewhere in Texas, can have negative short term and long term consequences. In the short run, a person charged with driving while intoxicated in Laredo is arrested, is forced to post bond, may need to appear in court for criminal charges, and faces suspension of their Texas Driver’s License.
The long term consequences of a D.W.I./D.U.I. conviction include, court ordered probation which may include many expensive conditions of probation. Further, a person convicted of a Driving While Intoxicated may have trouble getting a job, especially if the job involves operating any type of motor vehicle.
It is important for a person who is arrested in Laredo for Driving While Intoxicated to hire an experienced Laredo criminal defense lawyer to represent him/her in fighting his/her criminal charges and in fighting the driver’s license suspension. Roberto Balli is a Laredo Criminal Defense Attorney that has extensive experience with the D.W.I./D.U.I. laws in Texas. Roberto Balli has handled hundreds of these cases in Laredo, Webb County, Texas as a former prosecutor and now as a Laredo criminal defense lawyer. In fact, Roberto Balli has tried cases involving D.W.I./D.U.I. charges, Intoxicated Assault charges, and Intoxicated Manslaughter charges in court rooms in Laredo, Texas.
Occupational Driver License (Laredo, Texas):
A person who has been arrested for a D.W.I./D.U.I. or has refused to provide a breath specimen to an officer who has asked the person suspected of D.W.I./D.U.I., may have their Texas driver’s license suspended. However, the person can go before a Court to ask for an occupational driver’s license. The occupational driver’s license allows the person to drive for purposes of employment and to drive to and from work. Criminal Defense Lawyer Roberto Balli has fought to get his client’s occupational driver’s licenses in Laredo, Texas.